Saturday, May 10, 2008

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Revenue - 3 Strategies to Get You Started in Affiliate Marketing
Hendry Lee

Getting started in affiliate marketing can't be easier. The benefits are tremendous and you can start on a shoestring. Where else can you start a business with nothing but a computer and Internet connection?

As an affiliate, you don't have to create your own product. There's no fee involved in signing up as an affiliate and you can promote almost any kind of product from books and ebooks to apparels and services.

Here are just three strategies to get you started in affiliate marketing:

1. Pay per click

It is the fastest way to get targeted traffic. Search engine users range from information seekers to people who are ready to buy at the moment they find a good deal. Some even will buy only from the vendor they know. Just that they try to locate the product from the vendor in the search engine.

Pay per click lets you get started in affiliate marketing quickly. Sure, you have to know what you're doing, such as designing a converting landing page, write compelling pre-sell and so on.

However, the cost per click are relatively low and you can start with limited budget and grow from there.

2. Article marketing

It's a fact that people are browsing online to get information and entertainment. If you can provide the kind of information they want and place them in places or sites they can find easily, you will get the traffic.

What you'll do with the traffic is up to you. As an affiliate, you can build your list and offer them affiliate products. Another way is you can pre-sell them first and direct them to the product sales page immediately.

You only have to know your keywords, write the articles and post them at strategic sites such as popular article directories or social media sites. If it ranks highly in search engines, you can free traffic. It's like free money, besides the time you spent writing the articles.

3. Advertising

Like pay per click, but you don't buy based on keywords. Advertising in niche sites that are related to the product you offer is another way to tap into the stream of traffic and people who are interested in that particular topic.

For example, you can advertise gardening tools in gardening web sites. You know you'll get people who are into gardening and more likely to buy the products.

Affiliate marketing can be a full time business. You can also use it to test the popularity of a product before creating your own similar or related product to offer to the existing customers or sell for higher profits.

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